1. Kinya Toride - Google Scholar
Long-term trend analysis on total and extreme precipitation over Shasta Dam watershed. K Toride, DL Cawthorne, K Ishida, ML Kavvas, ML Anderson
NOAA PSL / CIRES - Cited by 258 - hydrometeorology - predictability
2. Kinya Toride Website
I am a research scientist passionate about pushing the boundaries of deep learning techniques in weather and climate applications.
Kinya Toride, PhD Research Scientist CIRES/ NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory Email: kinya.toride at noaa.gov Google Scholar | GitHub | LinkdIn
3. I want to ride my bicycle - Chrome Web Store - Google
I want to ride my bicycle: Melcher Oosterman Bicycles comes in all shapes and sizes and are all beautiful in their own way, just like their owners.
I want to ride my bicycle: Melcher Oosterman
4. How to Ride - Superpedestrian
Download the Superpedestrian app. Follow the on-screen prompts to sign up. You'll need a credit or debit card to get started riding.
Download the Superpedestrian app to start riding, then find a scooter and scan to unlock
5. RideMETRO app - Houston
The RideMETRO mobile app is an all-in-one toolkit to ride public transit in Houston. Learn how to ride. Plan a trip. Buy tickets. Contactless fare payments.
6. How to Ride a Max Bus - Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority
Have Fare Ready · Passes to ride MAX buses can be purchased at the ticket office at Central Station located at 1701 Morris Avenue Birmingham, AL 35203.
' ); if (!("")) { $rowCustom_6752d25e5cc16.find('.row-image').remove(); } if (typeof pixflow_fitRowToHeight == 'function') { pixflow_fitRowToHeight(); } if (isChrome){ $rowCustom_6752d25e5cc16.find(".row-image-fixed").append('
7. How to Ride | Metro Transit | City of Madison, WI
Find your route, stop, and pickup time. Use our online route & schedule finder, or plan your trip on Google Maps.
Metro Transit serves residential neighborhoods, the Isthmus, schools and universities, parks, places of business, shopping dis
8. How to Ride - Calgary Transit
download on the google play. Learn more. Rider tools. Whether you are waiting for a bus or planning your trip, our tools can help you stay informed along the ...
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9. Multichannel News: Google Fiber to Ride Muni-Owned Huntsville Network
“Adding a new wrinkle to its service expansion strategy, Google Fiber has inked a deal to offer gigabit and TV services on a fiber network that Huntsville ...
TBG client, Huntsville Utilities, announces Google Fiber in Huntsville, Alabama. “Adding a new wrinkle to its service expansion strategy, Google Fiber has inked a deal to offer gigabit and TV services on a fiber network that Huntsville Utilities is building. Huntsville started down that path in 2014, inviting potential partners to join the effort. Google […]